
play in the finals中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Do i have to play in the final stress test if i want to play the open beta
  • This session ofbig games china always plays in the finals by the guangdong hundredmillion ages science and technology serves the club one ' s ownundertaking
  • It ' s just the best thing that can happen to a footballer . to play in the final stages of a world cup , well , it doesn ' t get better than that
  • After the start ceremony ended , the multitudinous honored guest andfirst session china always play in the finals the top - notch contestantmutually to take a group souvenir photo , and reaches agreement inoctober , 2007 guangdong to meet
  • It is reported , second session of chinese travelingvivid ambassador china always plays in the finals and chinesetraveling young lady big game china always plays in the finals isdecided late october , 2007 to hold in guangdong , before this nationalvarious provinces one after another will develop a minute contest areato select the activity
  • Undertaking unit second session of chinese traveling young lady thebig game china contest area always will play in the finals which as 2007 “ hundred million ages science and technology cup ” , will be theonce a year international traveling fashion culture sports eventunifies through own superiority , will move towards the world for the chinese traveling industry to provide the platform
    作为2007 “亿龄科技杯”第二届中华旅游小姐大赛中国赛区总决赛的承办单位,就是通过自身优势将一年一度的国际旅游时尚文化赛事相结合,为中国旅游产业走向世界提供平台。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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